Hollywood Blacklist: The End of HUAC (1938-1975)
"There's no backsliding, toward a conciliatory moderate conclusion. The passions and beliefs of black militants are presented head-on, with little in the way of comfort for white liberals. White racists, I guess, will be horrified beyond measure. Good for them."—Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
A FREE* screening presented for Martin Luther King Jr. Day | Click 4:30pm below to RSVP
In this updated remake of John Ford'sThe Informer, Dublin becomes Cleveland and the Irish Republicans are replaced by Black revolutionary fighters. Days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Tank Williams (Julian Mayfield), an unemployed and itinerant steelworker, turns over his militant friend, Johnny (Max Julien) to the police for the $1,000 reward, resulting in an underground all-points bulletin to exact vengeance on the squealer. Blacklisted director Jules Dassin (Rififi) co-wrote the film with stars Ruby Dee (also on the Hollywood Blacklist) and Julian Mayfield with a driving score from Booker T. Jones.
NOW! (1965, Cuba) Dir. Santiago Álvarez 6 min.
Set to blacklisted singer, actress, dancer and civil rights activist Lena Horne's song of the same name—banned from the airwaves for its incendiary lyrics—Now uses newsreel footage and still photographs of the time as a call to action for the Civil Rights era.
*Empty seats will be filled 15 minutes prior to showtime. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to ensure your seat. Your ticket is not a guarantee of admittance after this time.