
Chauncey -Theater 1 Fri, May 12, 2023 6:30 PM
Chauncey -Theater 1 Sun, May 14, 2023 3:30 PM
Chauncey -Theater 1 Wed, May 17, 2023 6:30 PM
Series Info
Film Info
Runtime:129 minutes
Director:Martin Scorsese
Year Released:1980
Production Country:USA


"A fusion of Hollywood genre with personal vision couched in images and sounds that are kinetic and visceral, and closer to poetry than pulp. Its sculptural weight can only be appreciated on the big screen."—Amy Taubin, The Village Voice

"The greatest boxing film ever put to celluloid."—Ian Nathan, Empire Magazine

New 4K Restoration!

A lacerating biopic of Jake LaMotta (Robert De Niro), the middleweight boxing champion whose psychological and sexual complexities erupt into violence both in and out of the ring. He channeled his tough childhood into his fights, where his aggression became a way of combating deep-seated anxieties and emotional fears. But his drive for the title, his brutality outside of the ring and his almost-psychotic sexual jealousy will destroy his marriage, his deepest friendships and the career he fought to build.

Approved by director Martin Scorsese, this new master was created in 4K resolution on a Lasergraphics Director film scanner from the 35mm original camera negative. The original 2.0 surround soundtrack was remastered from the 35mm three-track magnetic track.