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Event Info
Dialogue Details:Conversation with Film Forum
Streaming Filter
Virtual Film Category:Bijou Film Board
Series Info
Series:Bijou Film Forum
Film Info
Rating:Not Rated
Runtime:82 Minutes
Director:Joel Potrykus
Year Released:2016
Production Country:USA


"Whatever The Alchemist Cookbook has to express, it expresses through scenes that feel as though someone were dared to do something while the camera rolled, in the near-extinct tradition of the transgressive underground movie." —AV Club

"A chapter-driven series of sketchy scenes powered by a striking, manic performance by lead actor Ty Hickson."
—Seattle Times

Young outcast Sean has isolated himself in a trailer in the woods, setting out on alchemic pursuits, with his cat Kaspar as his sole companion. Filled with a disdain for authority, he's fled the daily grind and holed up in the wilderness, escaping a society that has no place for him. But when he turns from chemistry to black magic to crack nature's secret, things go awry and he awakens to something far more sinister and dangerous.

Bijou is proud to present The Alchemist Cookbook as part of our Film Forum series. Head over to Bijou's Facebook for a live discussion of the film after it's over!