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Event Info
Dialogue Details:Conversation with Hannah Bonner, Tristen Ives, Molly Bagnall, Audrey Honert, and Maddie Silverstein
Streaming Filter
Virtual Film Category:Bijou Film Board
Film Info
Runtime:81 minutes
Director:Alex De Renzy
Year Released:1970
Production Country:USA





Join Bijou for our annual Valentine's Day feature! This year, we are screening Sexual Encounter Group, Alex De Renzy's "direct cinema" look at an encounter group. Unfolding in near real time, De Renzy examines the structure and methods of oraganized group sex and body realization. Bijou screens these films annually to destigmatize sex work, promote sexual health education, and to discuss representation of women and the sexualized body. Following the screening will be a discussion with Hannah Bonner, Tristen Ives, Molly Bagnall, Audrey Honert, and Maddie Silverstein. This XXX film and conversation is available for free to university students with verified UIowa ID and age.

Included Shorts

Virtual Screening Room Logo (0min)
Bijou Bumper (0min)
Preshow Slides (0min)
Sexual Encounter Group Intro (3min)
Sexual Encounter Group Discussion (53min)