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Event Info
Dialogue Details:Discussion with Film Forum
Streaming Filter
Virtual Film Category:Bijou Film Board
Series Info
Series:Bijou Film Forum
Film Info
Rating:Not Rated
Runtime:85 Minutes
Director:Robert Flaherty, Frances Flaherty
Year Released:1926
Production Country:USA


"The imagery, in scenes that always unfold slowly, is truly startling, particularly given that the film is almost 90 years old." —New York Times

"Working with a then-new black and white film stock, Flaherty comes up with both creamy, satisfying tones and the sharp detail of leaves and jagged basalt. There's much to marvel at in Moana with Sound." —Seattle Times

In 1924, documentary film pioneers Robert and Frances Flaherty and family traveled to the Samoan island of Savaii to record the native life and make a film that would match the success of Nanook of the North. Restored with native sounds and traditional songs that Flaherty's daughter recorded over half a century after they shot it, Monica Flaherty's Moana with Sound is a beautiful work of docufiction and an important piece of film history.

Presented as the first Bijou Film Forum screening of the semester, a live discussion will follow this screening. Bijou events are free for University of Iowa students, message Bijou on social media or send an email to claim your free code!

Included Shorts

Virtual Screening Room Logo (0min)
Bijou Bumper (0min)
Preshow Slides (0min)
Bijou Forum Moana QR Code (0min)