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Virtual Film Category:Bijou Film Board
Series Info
Series:Bijou After Hours
Film Info
Runtime:118 minutes
Director:Peter Strickland
Year Released:2018
Production Country:UK


"Peter Stickland's fourth film is about, yes, a dress, but it's his most engrossing work yet." - Glenn Kenny, The New York Times

"Patterned after eye-popping giallo films of the 1970s and '80s... In Fabric feels like a bespoke homage to those ultra-stylized Italian thrillers, with a wickedly arch sense of humor all its own and wicked other-dimensional vibe courtesy of synth group Cavern of Anti-Matter." —Peter Debruge, Variety

A lonely woman (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), recently separated from her husband, visits a bewitching London department store in search of a dress that will transform her life. She's fitted with a perfectly flattering, artery-red gown which, in time, will come to unleash a malevolent curse and unstoppable evil, threatening everyone who comes into its path.

Included Shorts

Bijou Bumper (0min)
Preshow Slides (0min)