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Event Info
Dialogue Details:Dialogue with Film Forum
Streaming Filter
Virtual Film Category:Bijou Film Board
Series Info
Series:Bijou Film Forum
Film Info
Rating:Not Rated
Runtime:86 minutes
Director:Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty, Pierce Rafferty
Year Released:1982
Production Country:USA


Presented as part of our Bijou Film Forum series, a discussion will follow on Facebook Live and we will be unveiling the winner of our second Open Screen short film competition!

"Despite it's supremely dark subject matter (or maybe partly because of it) The Atomic Cafe is one of the funniest documentaries ever made." —Dan Schindel, Hyperallergic

"Compilation essay film of the propaganda celebration of the nuclear age, both in cartoonish and apocalyptic form... so long as there are unstable mad men with nuclear codes clutched in their fists, fear rightfully abides." Ray Pride, Newcity

This darkly humorous documentary consists of archival footage about nuclear warfare. Drawing largely on government propaganda and training films for American soldiers, the movie, presented in collage form, features clips from early in the Cold War era that are filled with alarming misinformation. Some segments address the alleged safety of nuclear radiation, "duck and cover drills" and other related topics, including instructions for living in a fallout shelter.

Included Shorts

Bijou Bumper (0min)
Preshow Slides (0min)